Boundaries Book Study

The book, “Boundaries: When to Say Yes, How To Say No To Take Control Of Your Life” was written in 1992 by Doctors Henry Cloud and John Townsend.  Although it is an older book, it is still very relevant today.  I first read it about ten years after it was first published.  I had almost no boundaries before reading the book, and did not know if I should change or how to change.  This book changed my life by giving me a healthy perspective on boundaries and teaching me how to set them!  I pray this book study will help others struggling as I once did!

This course is broken up into ten individual lessons.  Learning about boundaries can be somewhat intimidating at first, so I thought breaking it down into ten short lessons would help by providing only small amounts of information per lesson.  Each lesson is virus free, and safe to download.

Now, let’s get started!

To begin this course you need the following supplies:

  • A copy of the book, “Boundaries”by Drs. Henry Cloud and John Townsend
  • If you print the lessons: A journal or notebook (fancy or plain isn’t important, so long as it is something you enjoy using to write) and a pen or pencil that is comfortable for you to use.
  • If you prefer not to write, each lesson can be completed on your computer.
  • An open heart and mind to hear the voice of God as He teaches you through this study.
  • A Bible.

Click below to download the lessons:

Boundaries Book Study

You may decide to save and print these lessons for your own use, or for use in a small group study.  You are welcome to do so, however if used in a group or church setting, please give credit to me, Cynthia Bailey-Rug.  Thank you!

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